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Zibo ruibao chemical co., LTD.

Zibo ruibao chemical co. LTD

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Phone: 13053341533

Tel: 86-533-2062115

Fax: 86-533-2061629

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Tel: 86-533-7986956


Phone: 15216432668



Fax: 86-533-6286937

Website: m.uautotest.com/en



Address: lijia village, sibaoshan, zibo development zone

Calcium formate


Calcium formate, also known as calcium formate, is a feed additive, suitable for all kinds of animals, with acidification, anti-mildew, antibacterial and other effects, also used in the industry as concrete, mortar additives, leather tanning or as a preservative.

As a new feed additive. Feed calcium formate can increase weight, often used as a small pig feed additives, can promote the small pig appetite and reduce the rate of diarrhea.

Domestic and international market studies show that adding 1% ~ 1.5% calcium formate to the diet of piglets can significantly improve the performance of weaned piglets. The German study found that adding 1.3% calcium formate to the diet of weaned piglets could improve the feed conversion rate by 7% ~ 8%, and adding 0.9% could reduce the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets.


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Copyright ? Zibo ruibao chemical co., LTD. All rights reserved ICP 10204987 -1 Specializing inCalcium formate manufacturer, calcium formate manufacturer, sodium formate manufacturer,Welcome to inquire! Service support:huaqilifang